Don’t worry, this story has a happy ending.
First we have to find a compatible mate for the RPI Zero W. Well, what better mate than our ESP32 6 channel ADC Hat! But how can we find it? It turns out it wants to be found. Just power it up, and it will look in its wallet (eeprom) to find Wi-Fi credentials to connect to the dating app (Wi-Fi network). If it cannot connect, it starts its own dating service by turning itself into an AccessPoint named ADC_aabbcc (it’s last 3 mac address digits). Now, being a good Samaritan, you will have to nudge the dating along by logging-in to the access point, going to the welcome page at and entering your network’s SSID and password
As soon as the credentials are saved, Our potential mate sits by the phone and waits for our Raspberry Pi hero to call.
Will RPI Zero Call?
How will he find ESP32’s phone number?
Who is the secret matchmaker?
Find out next week when I post a new episode of True Love!